Mise-en-Scene blog tasks

This Mise-en-Scene shot is from the BBCs thriller series Killing Eve. The scene is set in an apartment which is incredibly damaged. The pastel greens/blues and mahogany floor create a vintage atmosphere. The pastels also lure me into a false sense of security whilst the mahogany floor creates an eerie and ominous atmosphere. The overall colour scheme is quite bright and also quite revealing as everything is open. Additionally, both of the woman also wear pastel colours which complement the colours of the apartment. This indicates how alike both are. All of the doors in this scene are all opened. This is deliberately chosen by the directors to really show how damaged the apartment is. The damaged apartment suggests that there may be some tension between the two woman. The straight eye contact enhances this tension between the two. Nonetheless, the pistol next to the woman in the blue creates a dark and sinister ambience and almost portrays her as a killer. Both woman also present similar body postures which can also indicate that this particular scene is quite intense. In some what way, they mirror each other.
The scattered belongings over the floor seems like some sort of trail. The bed which is very well made contrasts the whole setting of this scene. This hints that the bed has some importance later on. The woman in the pink shirt has blood on her face which suggests that she is in a vulnerable state and the woman in the blue may have something to do with this. The fury blanket that the woman on the right is sitting on creates a cosy and comfortable atmosphere but as you look further into the scene where the kitchen is, the whole mood of the scene changes because it allows one to question whether there's more to the scene. Why is the apartment completely destroyed? why does the woman have blood on her face? why is there a gun?
Film Extracts Comparison
Wolf blood Foreign Territory and Wolfblood DJ:
The first extract is set in the woods. This overall, sets a very dark and ominous mood throughout the entire clip. Whilst it is set in the woods, it is also snowing. This sets a frosty and spine chilling mood and also lures me into a false sense of sentimentality which suggests that this scene was most likely shot during christmas time. In the beginning, all of our attention is on the the red-headed girl, the boy and the man. Both the girl and boy are dressed in their school uniforms which makes the scene much more relatable and comfortable for the audience to watch. The fact that they are in their uniforms suggests that they are still quite young. Due to the mysterious setting, it lures one into many interpretations of what's next. As the boy kneels down to speak in welsh, the man dressed in sheep fur, has a cunning look on his face. This indicates that he may be a potential villain in the series. As the boy kneels down, our attention is set back on forth between the boy and the man. The boy seems inferior to the man. As the boy is captured in the man's trap, the red-headed girl fights back defending her friend. The camera shows close-ups of each characters whilst blurring the background to create shadows. This also fixates all of our attention onto what is happening in the scene. Soon, the camera zooms out for almost 2 seconds to show how small each character is compared to nature. The producer then deliberately shows a quick shot of the girl behind the bushes to suggest that she may be the knight in shining armour who comes to the rescue. Here a sense of hope is established.
However, in the other extract, we get a much more relaxed approach in terms of the scene. The 2nd extract is set in a school setting and it looks like there is some sort of party going on. Everything is very bright and colourful which created a joyful and excited mood. As the boy walks into the hall where the girls are struggling to set up the DJ, the camera instantly zooms in and focuses on his face, suggesting that he may be significant in saving the party. In terms of costume, every character is dressed up presentably emphasising the fact that tonight may be an important night. The girls are presented as annoying, witty girls due to their facial expressions and body language. This scene is much more contemporary whereas the first clip can be seen as full fiction. Lots of people have attended the disco party and the camera scans across the dance floor to show ho weveryone is having a great time. Then the girl dressed in the white dress appears through the doors as her 'date' waits for her. Soon after, everyone else in the scene is blurred and our main focus is on the two individuals. This suggests that their relationship may be significant. The lighting in this scene is based off of very bright pinks and blues (high-key lighting) whereas in the first scene, the lighting is very much based off of dark (low key lighting). As a whole, both scenes set very different moods. the first is quite intense whereas the second is more moderate and personal.
The first extract is set in the woods. This overall, sets a very dark and ominous mood throughout the entire clip. Whilst it is set in the woods, it is also snowing. This sets a frosty and spine chilling mood and also lures me into a false sense of sentimentality which suggests that this scene was most likely shot during christmas time. In the beginning, all of our attention is on the the red-headed girl, the boy and the man. Both the girl and boy are dressed in their school uniforms which makes the scene much more relatable and comfortable for the audience to watch. The fact that they are in their uniforms suggests that they are still quite young. Due to the mysterious setting, it lures one into many interpretations of what's next. As the boy kneels down to speak in welsh, the man dressed in sheep fur, has a cunning look on his face. This indicates that he may be a potential villain in the series. As the boy kneels down, our attention is set back on forth between the boy and the man. The boy seems inferior to the man. As the boy is captured in the man's trap, the red-headed girl fights back defending her friend. The camera shows close-ups of each characters whilst blurring the background to create shadows. This also fixates all of our attention onto what is happening in the scene. Soon, the camera zooms out for almost 2 seconds to show how small each character is compared to nature. The producer then deliberately shows a quick shot of the girl behind the bushes to suggest that she may be the knight in shining armour who comes to the rescue. Here a sense of hope is established.
However, in the other extract, we get a much more relaxed approach in terms of the scene. The 2nd extract is set in a school setting and it looks like there is some sort of party going on. Everything is very bright and colourful which created a joyful and excited mood. As the boy walks into the hall where the girls are struggling to set up the DJ, the camera instantly zooms in and focuses on his face, suggesting that he may be significant in saving the party. In terms of costume, every character is dressed up presentably emphasising the fact that tonight may be an important night. The girls are presented as annoying, witty girls due to their facial expressions and body language. This scene is much more contemporary whereas the first clip can be seen as full fiction. Lots of people have attended the disco party and the camera scans across the dance floor to show ho weveryone is having a great time. Then the girl dressed in the white dress appears through the doors as her 'date' waits for her. Soon after, everyone else in the scene is blurred and our main focus is on the two individuals. This suggests that their relationship may be significant. The lighting in this scene is based off of very bright pinks and blues (high-key lighting) whereas in the first scene, the lighting is very much based off of dark (low key lighting). As a whole, both scenes set very different moods. the first is quite intense whereas the second is more moderate and personal.
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