Lighting Blog Tasks
In this image, low-key lighting is created by the usage of key and back lights.
This effect produces strong contrasts of light and dark and creates dramatic shadows. The effect is also know as chiaroscuro.
The key light is the brightest and most influential.
In this image the back light is the light which helps to counteract the effects of the key light making the subject appear more 'rounded'. We can see the shadow appearing on the left side of her face as well as her hair and hand. This helps to create an ominous mood as half of her face is covered with the shadow. This suggests that there may be two sides to this character. The smoke also sets a mysterious tone to this image and this is softened and also enhanced by the filler light.
However, high-key lighting has also been created in the sense that this blue tone is added to the still image. The smoke appears to have a blue colour and this may be down to the key and filler lights.
The top light illuminates her face and makes her stand out. The top light can be used to accentuate the features of a character, this makes this film star incredibly glamorous.
However, high-key lighting has also been created using the key and back lights to enhance the lighting on the star. This makes the still image appear more realistic and brightly lit. If it wasn't for the high-key lighting we most likely would not be able to see the star and so she would've merged into the background.
In this image, high-key lighting is created as we are able to see the full subject. In this case, more filler lights have been used to soften any shadows created by other lights.
Top lighting which comes from above is used in this image to accentuate the features of this star. We can see the shadows around the star's eyes due to the top light. This darkness around the eyes suggests that this character may well be a potential villain in the movie.
However, low-key lighting is also created in this still image to give that dull grey tone. This heightens one's interpretation of thinking that this star may be a potential villain as mentioned before.
Overall, this still image is very natural and also quite intimidating at the same time due to the deliberate shadows left on the face by the lighting director.
In this image, low-key lighting is created through only using the key and back lights. The key light is the brightest and most influential and the back light helps to counteract the effects of the key light making the subject appear more 'rounded'.
The lighting helps to portray this still image as quite strong and uplifting as the camera shot is from below, making the star superior.
Top lighting is also used as we are able to see the light on the right side of his face as well as down to hi shoulders, but the left side of his face is not lit. This half and half lit face lures me into a false sense of security when in reality, the star may be the villain.
There is some under lighting used where the gun and a bit of his coat are lit. the emphasis of the lit gun may also give off an aggressive and violent tone.
Overall, all of the lighting used presents this star to be powerful and brawny.
However, high-key lighting is also created as with this, we are able to see the sign in the top left-hand corner. The high- key light also makes the star look as if he is standing under a direct spotlight, highlighting his significance.
The key light is being used to create a more brighter and influential effect.
The shadow behind the star is created due to the key light and also makes one question whether this star is good or bad as we see two sides of her.
This still image looks very realistic and natural but you may have a sense of doubt in your interpretation due to her facial expressions. She looks terrified!
In this image, high-key lighting is created. This means that more filler lights are used which soften any shadows created by other lights. The effect appears more realistic and natural whilst also appears quite dimly lit.
The filler light has been used to soften the shadows created from the blinds and the natural day light is also creating the main source of light.
Overall, this still image sets a romantic and intimate tone and can be seen as a very relaxed scene.
However, low-key lighting is also created. This is what makes the still image more relaxed.
In this image, low-key lighting has been used to produce strong contrasts of light and dark thus this creates dramatic shadows. The effect is also known as chiaroscuro (light and dark).
Back lighting can be seen as the main source of lighting in this still image.
Back lighting has been used as it comes from behind the stars to create a silhouette. This type of lighting also makes the gang look more ominous.
The back lighting also makes the stars appear more rounded. The colour scheme is based off of dark, dull blacks, greys and whites. This helps to set a mysterious and suspicious tone to the still image.
However, high-key lighting is also created as this is what enhances the bright light and shadows created. The high- key lighting helps to make this still image more natural.
However, high-key lighting is also created as this is what enhances the bright light and shadows created. The high- key lighting helps to make this still image more natural.
In this image, low-key lighting is created by using only the key and back lights. This effect produces strong contrasts of light and dark and creates dramatic shadows as we see in this still image. The effect is known as chiaroscuro which means light and dark.
This sort of lighting creates a dark and frightful atmosphere hence why her facial expressions seem incredibly alarmed and scared. She appears to be looking at something.
Filler light has also been used to help soften any shadows created by the other lights such as the shadows created on her face.
In the top left-hand corner, it is pitch black and this effect blends into her hair. This may suggest how this woman is intertwined with darkness and possibly the villain in the narrative.
The harsh white light and the dark shadowy light hugely contrast with each other implying that there may be two sides to the star. The star also appears to be camouflaging into the depths of the shadows created emphasising this idea of her being linked to evil.
However, high-key lighting is also created to ensure that the stars face is visible as without it she wouldn't be so.

In this image, low-key lighting has been created using only the key and back lights.
The star appears to be stressed or worried. The use of under lighting emphasises this sense of stress as it presents the star as vulnerable and inferior through capturing a shot from below.
The only shadows created are under the chin area which shows how the under light is used effectively.
However, high-key lighting is also created as we see in the background. The background seems to have two colours: one is a darker wash and the other is a lighter wash. The high-key lighting helps to make this visible.
In this still image, high-key lighting is created which means more filler lights are used. The effect appears more realistic however, the major difference is that, although shadows are still created, the contrast between light and dark is much less pronounced.
Lots of filler light is used to help soften any shadows created by other lights. This effect helps to dim the scene bit more.
Back lighting is used to help counteract the effects of the key light making the subject appear more rounded.
The lighting behind the star suggests that the he may be a potential hero in the narrative.
However, low-key lighting is created as we can barely see the stars physique. Everything is very dimly lit and majority of the background is pitch black.

In this image, low-key lighting is being created by using only the key and back lights. This effect produces strong contrasts of light and dark and creates dramatic shadows.
Filler lighting is used to help soften any shadows created on the stars faces.
The shadows are created on the male star's jawline area and also on his arms where he is holding a gun. This idea of putting the gun in the shadows sets a despairing and ghastly tone.
The female star seems to be driven for the love of the man whereas he is holding a gun. This may suggest that the male star may be protecting the lady as well.
However, high-key lighting is also created as both stars appear to be very clear and bright.
In this image, low-key lighting is created by using only the key and back lights. This effect produces strong contrasts of light and dark and creates dramatic shadows as we see in this still image. The effect is known as chiaroscuro which means light and dark.
This sort of lighting creates a dark and frightful atmosphere hence why her facial expressions seem incredibly alarmed and scared. She appears to be looking at something.
Filler light has also been used to help soften any shadows created by the other lights such as the shadows created on her face.
In the top left-hand corner, it is pitch black and this effect blends into her hair. This may suggest how this woman is intertwined with darkness and possibly the villain in the narrative.
The harsh white light and the dark shadowy light hugely contrast with each other implying that there may be two sides to the star. The star also appears to be camouflaging into the depths of the shadows created emphasising this idea of her being linked to evil.
However, high-key lighting is also created to ensure that the stars face is visible as without it she wouldn't be so.
In this image, low-key lighting has been created using only the key and back lights.
The star appears to be stressed or worried. The use of under lighting emphasises this sense of stress as it presents the star as vulnerable and inferior through capturing a shot from below.
The only shadows created are under the chin area which shows how the under light is used effectively.
However, high-key lighting is also created as we see in the background. The background seems to have two colours: one is a darker wash and the other is a lighter wash. The high-key lighting helps to make this visible.
Lots of filler light is used to help soften any shadows created by other lights. This effect helps to dim the scene bit more.
Back lighting is used to help counteract the effects of the key light making the subject appear more rounded.
The lighting behind the star suggests that the he may be a potential hero in the narrative.
However, low-key lighting is created as we can barely see the stars physique. Everything is very dimly lit and majority of the background is pitch black.
In this image, low-key lighting is being created by using only the key and back lights. This effect produces strong contrasts of light and dark and creates dramatic shadows.
Filler lighting is used to help soften any shadows created on the stars faces.
The shadows are created on the male star's jawline area and also on his arms where he is holding a gun. This idea of putting the gun in the shadows sets a despairing and ghastly tone.
The female star seems to be driven for the love of the man whereas he is holding a gun. This may suggest that the male star may be protecting the lady as well.
However, high-key lighting is also created as both stars appear to be very clear and bright.
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