Star Persona video feedback and learner response
Mr Halsey's feedback:
- Great soundtrack-immediately sets the mood
- Font for title works
- pace of the time lapse is good- we rapidly see the character taking shape
- Framing is the key EBI- A lot of dead space in the frame above the subject's head
- Does the same title appear twice? worth avoiding if so
- End result is superb-looks amazing! great example of the power of mise-en-scene
- Final shot- fades out nicely but music just cuts out. EBI for future reference
Self- Assessment:
- WWW: My time lapse was very well sped and the final result was very successful. The editing was sufficient and adding the text also made a huge difference to create the sinister mood. The faded screen at the end was also very nicely done and the soundtrack works very well in setting the mood as well as connecting the audience.
- EBI: However, the framing was set too far back and needed to be closer to the subject's face. I could've added some effects (on adobe after effects) to experiment and be more creative in terms of the editing side. The music also cut out which sounded a bit odd but overall, it wasn't a complete disaster.
I would like to improve my technical skills for future projects. I had never used Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects before hence why the editing side was a little bit difficult. Being able to import videos onto the school computers much more efficiently can be seen as a major skill that i definitely want to improve on for future projects Furthermore, being able to render the video as well add after effects is something that i would also like to accomplish for future projects.
Overall, i have learnt the importance of mise-en-scene in the media industry. It creates meaning and makes it much more easier for audiences to connect with the characters. Mise-en-scene focuses on all aspects that make up a scene and enhances the significant elements. Creating the time lapses and seeing the transformation of pupil to character is mind-blowing and exciting and can be seen as pure work of art. Mise-en-scene is quite powerful indeed!
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